Yes, I'm jumping on the bandwagon, but to be fair, we derby folk say a lot of interesting things that the outside world wouldn't understand. Most of the following comes from years and years of watching Facebook posts!
I can't, I have derby! Ok, who hasn't said this? Hands up! Liars! Every derby person in the world has derby obligations almost on a daily basis. I tweeted a couple of weeks ago about buying a calendar for 2012, and wondering what the point was because all I was going to do was write "derby" all over it.
Wanna see my bruises/blister/injury? Maybe this should be the new pick up line in the derby community, but most derby peeps will drop trou just to show you the nastiest bruise on their butts. I guess it works out for the voyeur if they're into that!
I'm happy I pooped today! I Remember the blog I wrote about pooping and derby girls? Enough said.
Do these shorts give me camel toe? This one isn't for the boys so much, but it's a real concern for the girls. Also, we worry about holes in bad places.
There's no "sorry" in derby. No, but there's plenty of crying.
I have a butt now! Derby is awesome for building up that gluteus maximus, and we are very proud of it when it happens!
We are so going to win the after party! Please concentrate on the game first ladies and gents.
Have to get my boutfit together. Yes, even though this is a tough and real sport, we like to look good playing it.
I really need to hit someone! I usually hear this after a derby break or a really bad day at work.
That ref is picking on me! Suuuuuuuure it's JUST YOU! That ref singled you out just because he didn't like your boutfit!
Nice hit! I think we all say this to cope with the fact that we just had our clocks cleaned.
I need my good socks! See my blog on pretty feet!
I need to skate! Skating is addictive! The rush of the speed and the wind in your face is probably more addictive than crack.
I have a new derby crush! Derby crushes are usually on the skater that inspires us to push ourselves.
Smell my pads! They totally reek! Lord. I don't know what it is about derby girls, but we tend to relish our stench; sometimes we forget that "normal" people don't want to smell us or our stank asses.
It's roller derby, not (fill in the blank) I love to say "it's roller derby, not cancer" It's still a game people, the greatest game in the world, but a game! Other people use this in statements like "It's roller derby, not a tea party." Either way it's apropos and popular.
I love smackin' ass! Truer words never spoken.
I'm not gay, but.... Some of these skaters we admire make our hearts go pitter pat, no matter how straight we are,
Shut up and skate! This is how I was trained to play derby: Stop whining and skate!
I'm hungry/thirsty/tired. Most conversations at practice revolve around these sentences.
I'm too old for this shit. Is this just me? Moving on then.
I'm gonna puke. I hear this at least once a practice.
I like it in the box. This is one of the two jokes that refs have and share with us. The other one is "My pack(age) is here."
Skate rape! Do I have to explain this one?
Ok, when you fall on your skate or someone else's, and a wheel violates your nether region.
Strategery! My favorite!